What you can find with us
This is what distinguishes our products
We use most of our products ourselves in everyday life and in our own vehicles. Only the best comes into question for our Jimny, which is why we place the highest demands on the choice of materials as well as on the manufacture and development of our products.
Our film products only use high-performance films from the German manufacturer Orafol, which are characterized by very good durability and the highest quality standards.

100+ colors
All of our film designs are available in over 100 different colors
Strong colors even after years
and specially developed for vehicle lettering
Withstands all temperatures
our foils can handle anything from -50 ° C to 120 ° C
Use of the car wash is still possible
Even the high-pressure cleaner poses no danger with a safety margin
Wet bonding possible
very practical for large-scale designs
Long lifetime
Depending on the type of film and color, the manufacturer of the film guarantees a shelf life of up to 8 years
top quality
absolute color fidelity and consistently precisely cast film
Residue-free removal
Even after years, the foils can be removed without permanent damage (provided the adhesive surface was undamaged before assembly)
Technical data sheets
cut, not printed
This means the highest and consistent color quality, as the design is precisely cut directly from the continuously colored foils by our industrial cutting plotter.
This means that the design is free-standing, i.e. no colored or transparent film around the design disturbs the look. The subsequent attachment of transfer film enables easy installation on the vehicle.
Vector instead of pixels
Provides the highest data quality. Our designs are created through mathematical relationships, so smooth transitions and the greatest possible flexibility for customer requests with regard to special sizes are possible.
Du hast eine eigene Design Idee?
Gerne setzen wir dein Projekt für dich um.
Deine eigene Kreation schon ab 5€ !
How our products are made
At this point we would like to give you a brief overview of the process of creating our products. For almost all of our products, the complete process from the first idea through development and testing to production and sales is covered by our manufactory.
The idea always comes first. We spend a lot of time with our Jimny, so this is very often the focus, which constantly creates new ideas;) Sometimes we also get ideas from Jimny drivers around the world, thank you for that!
The idea
take pictures
happy customers
As soon as the idea is ready, the measuring tape is used. The destination of the design must be carefully measured. Depending on the geometry, measuring can be quite tricky.
The transitions from measuring to designing on the graphics tablet, producing prototypes, defining the cutting settings and testing are fluid. As a rule, each of our designs goes through several correction loops.
Once the perfect proportions and cut settings have been found, the subsequent sales price is calculated fairly. The two main factors here are the material requirements and the time required for weeding.
Once the sales price has been set, an extensive photo shoot continues in order to be able to present the respective product in the product advertisements as realistically as possible.
Experience has shown that the most popular colors are pre-produced directly from stock in order to achieve the shortest possible delivery times.
Finally, our products go online on all of our sales platforms to make as many Jimny drivers as possible happy 🙂
Sneak Preview
Here you will find a small overview of projects and products that we can well imagine for the future. So it is worthwhile to drop by us from time to time;)